11 Ingredients You Can Use Instead of Butter


11 Ingredients You Can Use Instead of Butter



Butter is a staple in most kitchens, with the exception of the butter-free and low carb dieters. However, it's not always necessary to reach for a stick when you want your dish to taste like something sweet or savory.


Applesauce is made by blending apples, water and a pinch of cinnamon. It's a healthy alternative to butter as it contains less saturated fat and more polyols. There are two types of applesauce – one can be bought in a supermarket, while the other is homemade. Homemade applesauce is excellent to use in cakes, pancakes, muffins and crumbles.


Avocado is a fruit eaten in many forms, such as guacamole, mashed, and smoothies. It contains high amounts of the healthy fatty acids oleic acid and monounsaturated fat, which can lower blood sugar levels. Avocados may help reduce cholesterol levels by increasing the body's insulin sensitivity. One avocado has nearly twice as much potassium as a banana!


Bananas are a fruit that has been with us since early civilization. Bananas, mashed is savory dish that is commonly served in most homes and restaurants. Banana mash is made from cooking bananas in boiling water for about 10 minutes.


Beans are made out of seeds that are usually extracted from the fruit of the bean plant. The beans are then dried and sold in packages to consumers, who will cook them.


Coconut oil is a fatty oil that can make many dishes taste delicious. It is a healthy alternative to butter as it contains less saturated fat and more polyols. One of the main reasons it is beneficial for people to use coconut oil over other oils, such as sunflower or olive, is that the body does not absorb it quickly. This means that people can use less of this type of oil in their food without worrying about consuming too much of the substance.


Ghee is a type of clarified butter that has been cooked at high temperatures. Ghee is one of the healthiest cooking oils that you can use in your dishes, such as curries and rice dishes. You can make ghee by slow heating butter or vegetable oil to the point where it starts to smoke and then continues cooking it until no more moisture is left.


Greek yogurt is very similar to its regular counterpart. It differs only in the way that it has been made. The production process of Greek yogurt takes more time, which gives it a slightly thicker consistency and makes it less sour than regular yogurt.

