
11 Ingredients You Can Use Instead of Butter

  11 Ingredients You Can Use Instead of Butter     Butter is a staple in most kitchens, with the exception of the butter-free and low carb dieters. However, it's not always necessary to reach for a stick when you want your dish to taste like something sweet or savory.   Applesauce is made by blending apples, water and a pinch of cinnamon. It's a healthy alternative to butter as it contains less saturated fat and more polyols. There are two types of applesauce – one can be bought in a supermarket, while the other is homemade. Homemade applesauce is excellent to use in cakes, pancakes, muffins and crumbles.   Avocado is a fruit eaten in many forms, such as guacamole, mashed, and smoothies. It contains high amounts of the healthy fatty acids oleic acid and monounsaturated fat, which can lower blood sugar levels. Avocados may help reduce cholesterol levels by increasing the body's insulin sensitivity. One avocado has nearly twice as much potassium as a banana!